Monday, April 04, 2005

Bead Class

I taught NanC Meinhardt's Super Froth Bracelet (by permission) at BeadFX over the weekend. Some of the usual suspects were there (Maureen, Betty and Sue), and a few I'd met before (Tina and Cheryl), and at least two relative newbies and one rank amateur. It's a challenge to teach such a diverse group, but I try to keep my focus and give everyone the help they need. I love seeing the colour combinations that everyone makes, and how each person's beading style affects the outcome. Some pieces seem larger, some are looser, some cleaner in the design. I assisted Ruth Ann in selecting colours, and she had a great silk top that we used as a guide. I started a piece myself (which I usually do when teaching) using 11/0's and 15/0's and a subdued autumn palette. Just what I needed - another project to work on!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh! So exciting! I'm a usual suspect! I think I've made it!